Author contributions: CRediT taxonomy

The CRediT taxonomy is a standardized way of describing individual contributions to scholarly works. It can be used by project leaders and group mentors to assess the contribution by each individual in the team. Here are some instructions for users on how to use the CRediT Score Calculator:

  1. Write your name;
  2. Check the box for each applicable CRediT score item that applies to your research project;
  3. For each checked box, provide a short description of your contributions in the corresponding text area;
  4. Once you have checked all applicable boxes and provided your contributions, click the "Calculate Score" button;
  5. A text file that has your name, contribution, and total score will be downloaded and you can share it with your project leader.

Note: The CRediT Score Calculator is designed to calculate the author contribution score based on the CRediT taxonomy. It is important to accurately check the boxes and provide a short description of your contributions to get an accurate author contribution score.

CRediT Score Calculator <

CRediT Score Calculator

Please check the box for each applicable CRediT score item:





Formal Analysis



Data Curation

Writing - Original Draft Preparation

Writing - Review & Editing


Your CRediT score is: