Mean Estimator Calculator is used to derive the mean from the median and interquartile. This is important to enhance the coherence of data used in meta-analysis.
Validated tools
Validated surveys and questionnaires to be used for data collection
Search Strategy
Search strategy for literature review and for review articles can follow the following steps for optimal and quick results
Sample size calculation for a meta-analysis
Sample size calculation for a meta-analysis for better planning of study
Open Access Data in Medicine
The most comprehensive list of openly accessible data in medicine
Suggest journals
By providing a list of relevant journals based on your research question or description, this tool helps you identify the most suitable publication outlets for your work.
World Map Visualization
The Interactive World Map visualization tool is valuable for different uses, from showing the evidence in your study to creating epidemiology figures
Evidence level chart
Produce figures and visualize the distribution of evidence levels across various scientific conclusions
Analysis with R: Auto-code generator
The Automatic R code generator tool provides you with customized code to your data.
Forest plot generator
Analyze your meta-analysis data through forest plot and generate the required forest plot graph